“Christ and His Cross be My Theme”: Andrew Fuller on the Death of Christ”
Session 1 of 5
Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin

“Promise, Law, and the Gospel: Reading the Biblical Narrative with Paul”
Session 2 of 5
Dr. Pierre Constant

“Triune God and the Cross: Defending What is Essential to the Atonement”
Session 3 of 5
Dr. Stephen J. Wellum

“Tempest in a Theological Teapot or Vital Biblical Truth?”
Session 4 of 5
Rev. Kirk M. Wellum

“If I be Lifted Up: The Theology of the Cross in John’s Gospel”
Session 5 of 5
Dr. Glendon G. Thompson

The notion of absolute freedom is a myth because, at some level, we are all under the authority and control of others—parents, teachers, bosses, and government officials. In the spiritual realm, Scripture locates all under one of two masters: sin or righteousness. The master one serves determines how one lives in the world and where […]


The glorious gospel of salvation by grace can be misunderstood. One may erroneously infer that grace gives license to sin. But Paul dismisses such an idea as outrageous, arguing that believers died to sin and are alive to God. Holiness necessarily flows from justification.


It is inexplicable that Christians should ever tire of hearing the good news of the Gospel, concerning God’s saving love in Jesus Christ for sinners. Romans 5:6–11 reiterates this point: God demonstrates His love for us in the cross of Christ and this leads to assurance and joy.
