Due to heavy snow predicted this afternoon and evening, prayer meeting will ONLY be online this evening. Join us on zoom tonight! AM


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

Matthew 28:19

"Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods" (Psalm 96:2-4).

ACtive Missionaries

Shalom Orphanage

April Melgar, a graduate of Toronto Baptist Seminary, met her husband, Jose Melgar, on a missions trip to Bolivia. Together they are working to build an orphanage with a water treatment plant in a remote community in Bolivia. By God’s grace they are providing a loving home for orphans, abandoned and abused children, as well as children who have been living in prison.

How will your gifts be used?
$50 – Provide a mattress for a child in the orphanage
$400 – Build a well for a house of 12 children
$600 – Purchase a cow to provide milk for the children
One-time gifts and monthly donations will be used to help the children on an ongoing basis.

To donate, click the Give button. Be sure to choose Shalom Orphanage in the fund menu and indicate if you would like to donate to one of the above items in the message box.

Peter and Betty Green

Betty and Peter Green met, by “divine design” in the late 90s. Betty and her first husband, Don, served both in Quebec and Mozambique. Peter and his first wife, Chris, served in Mexico in translation ministry beginning in the 70s. In 1997, Don died of ALS and Chris died of cancer. Mutual friends decided that Betty and Peter should meet and the rest, as they say, is history. Betty and Peter have been serving together in translation ministry in the Philippines since 2000. The work of the translation of the Scriptures and other resources into local dialects is an exacting one, requiring hours of checking and rechecking to guarantee accuracy before going to print.
Please read the Greens’ newsletter and remember them in your prayers. To donate to their ministry click the Give button and choose Betty and Peter Green in the fund drop-down menu.


We are supporting a family who have been called to Serbia through Training Leaders International to train pastors. Their mission is to train leaders who will strengthen and plant churches in Serbia. Check out this video to learn more about their ministry.


Please pray for a young man who will be an assistant pastor in Madagascar. He is also hoping to establish an official seminary which will provide certification for the students. His other ministries include church planting and translating books.


Please join us in prayer for a young Canadian family who are called to Ireland. Despite most of the country identifying as Roman Catholic, this is simply a cultural identity for the Irish. There are still 72 towns of populations over 5,000 with no gospel-preaching church.
The young man is a graduate from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and he will be involved with Munster Bible College where he will teach classes, develop support systems for students, and help the school grow. The family will join a Baptist church-planting network known as the Cork/Kerry Project, where they will serve the local church through discipleship, teaching, evangelism, and leadership development. They aim to partner with the local believers in bringing the life-giving gospel of redemption and forgiveness through the death and resurrection of God’s Son.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.